Software Requirements Essentials
New Book: Software Requirements Essentials
Core Practices for Business Analysis Success

Software Requirements Essentials by Karl Wiegers and Candase Hokanson is a concise, highly readable book that describes 20 requirements practices that every software team should perform. These practices apply regardless of what type of product you're building or the team's development life cycle. These core practices help project and product teams understand the business problem, engage the right participants, articulate effective solutions, communicate information among stakeholders, implement the right functionality in the right sequence, and adapt to change. If you don't have time to read the big books on requirements or business analysis, read this short one.

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NEW! The online, on-demand "Software Requirements Essentials" training course

Who is Process Impact?

Since 1997, Process Impact has collaborated with clients worldwide to have an impact on the processes their software teams use, and to help those processes have an impact on the business. Areas of expertise include requirements engineering, project management, and software quality. Karl Wiegers, Principal Consultant, has many years of experience with software development, management, and leading process and quality improvement activities.

Contact Information

Karl Wiegers, PhD
Principal Consultant
Process Impact

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More than 170 articles on software requirements, business analysis, product design, project management, culture, quality, freelancing, writing for publication, giving presentations, and other topics are available at Karl's Medium.com account.

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